About EmpowHer

This page is intended to be a resource for women who are challenged with various health issues, mostly, which I have experienced myself. Having been through a chronic health crisis, I found that I was empowered after doing my own research and educating myself on the treatment options available, while also working through the frustration of medical gaslighting. It is so important not to give up hope, even when you don’t see any.

Time, patience, and persistence allowed me to find a root cause for my issues. My hope is to be a resource for other women who are on a similar journey.

**I am not a doctor, nor will I give any medical advice, or try to sell any products. My hope is that my story and experiences will allow women to make the best choices for their care. Which we all deserve!

About Me

I’m Diana, the creator and author behind this blog. After enduring my own health crisis, I wanted to share my story so that other women who are suffering as I did can seek the help that they deserve. Come with me on this journey, and let’s EmpowHer one another!

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